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Recent Technology News & Reports
The Career Foundation’s Workforce Development Centre provides labour market information, sector trends and initiatives, and workforce development planning opportunities to address labour market needs for our communities. See below for recent Technology Sector news and reports.
COVID-19 News — Technology Sector
Understanding COVID-19’s Impact on the Technology Sector
“The effects of COVID-19 are having a significant impact on the technology sector, affecting raw materials supply, disrupting the electronics value chain, and causing an inflationary risk on products. More positively, the disruption has caused an acceleration of remote working, and a rapid focus on evaluating and de-risking the end-to-end value chain.”
COVID-19: Mitigating the Impact in the High Tech Industry
“COVID-19 is a global health crisis whose scale and speed are unprecedented in recent history. Companies should act now to protect their people and ensure business continuity.”
Technology Sector Reports
New Skills Now: Inclusion in the Digital Economy
“We interviewed more than 40 practitioners and thought leaders from a wide range of fields spanning neuroscience, workforce development, corporate learning and talent development, education, sociology and cognitive psychology; analyzed over 130 million job postings; reviewed 1,000 workforce development programs; established a Learning Circle made up of experts from around the world; and assessed more than 25 of the leading frameworks on the future of work and skills.
Our research found that future generations can expect to navigate multiple jobs, including many that have not yet been invented. A growth mindset, characterized by resilience, adaptability and a love of learning, underpins all other skills needed for job seekers and entrepreneurs to successfully navigate the changing world of work.”
The Next Talent Wave: Navigating the Digital Shift — Outlook 2021
“Digital disruption is being felt in the banking, media, transportation, manufacturing, health, retail, and many other sectors. This reshaping of traditional markets is also challenging every aspect of incumbent firms in an increasingly global and competitive landscape. This is evidenced by the advent of the sharing economy and other unfettered innovations that are increasingly being empowered by everyday entrepreneurs. ICTC’s (Labour Market Outlook 2017-2021) highlights an acute digital talent demand of around 216,000 by 2021. Addressing this challenge with particular focus on youth will be an important priority for the next number of years.”
Tech for All: Breaking Barriers in Toronto’s Innovation Community
“For this report, MaRS surveyed some 400 members of Toronto’s tech community. One of the key findings: While tech companies have diversity policies and programs in place that are making a difference, especially when it comes to hiring staff, they need to do more to ensure that their employees’ diverse perspectives are recognized and valued in the workplace, that they have impactful work to do and that they feel they are making a valuable contribution. This report lays out a path to do exactly that.”